Disclaimer for Dailytrades.in

Dailytrades (Referred to as Dailytrades.com) is a platform providing information insights and advisory services regarding the stock market and investment. This platform offers a range of services like investment tips, financial education and stock market analysis. All potential users are advised to read the following disclaimer before using the services provided by Dailytrades.

General Information

Dailytrades offers general information and does not constitute any kind of financial, trading or investment advice. All the services provided on the platform are for informational purposes only.

Investment risk

Stock investment involves inherent risk and there is no guarantee of profits in it. Stock prices can fluctuate and the past performance of stocks never indicates the future results. Dailytrades doesn't guarantee any kind of specified financial outcomes or profit guarantee in future.


This platform never claims to provide personalized investment advice or any kind of recommendation tailored to financial goals and situations. Users are free to seek the advice of a qualified professional who can consider unique circumstances.

Accuracy in information

We strive to provide accurate and updated information for our customers. However, the financial world is dynamic and the accuracy of the information cannot be guaranteed. All the users are responsible for verifying any information with due diligence.

Third-Party Content

Dailytrades may obtain content, links and references from third-party sources. We didn't control and handle these contents. The accuracy, completeness and reliability of any kind of information available in these third-party content is beyond our control. Dailytrades is not responsible for any kind of content provided by third parties.


Dailytrades reserves all rights to modify and update its services and content without prior notice. Users are requested to check for updates and changes done to the platform to avoid any mishappening.

Investment decisions

All types of investment decisions made by users are their responsibility. Dailytrades was never held liable for any kind of financial losses and gains from the results of its investments or trading activities based on information obtained from us.

Terms and conditions

Dailytrades always encourages people to review the terms and conditions of the platform carefully. Users who accept the terms and conditions agree to comply with them.

No Liability

Dailytrades is not liable for any damages, or losses resulting from the use of the platform or information provided. Dailytrades is not liable for any kind of indirect, incidental, or punitive damages.

Regulatory compliance

Dailytrades is not a registered investment advisor. This platform does not offer investment services that require regulatory approval. All the users connected with us are responsible for understanding and adhering to the relevant financial regulations accordingly.

Financial Disclosure

All the operators and affiliates of Dailytrades may have positions in stocks and companies discussed in our platform. Any potential conflicts of interest will be disposed of with complete transparency.

In Dailytrades, users accept the terms that are outlined in disclaimer. The disclaimer is subject to change and all the users are encouraged to review it accordingly. Users who agree to abide by the terms and conditions should consider this disclaimer. In case, any user does not agree with any part of the disclaimer, we advise you to discontinue using our services.

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